Saturday, July 11, 2009

Steamed chocolate brownies

Yesterday, Mom requested me to make the steamed chocolate brownies I used to make when I had lots of time before I started studying again. Strange how I came across this recipe from the first edition of Sedap magazine at the news stand outside Atria's KFC side entrance.

I wasn't very inclined to buy that magazine but was attracted to the cake on the outside (blueberry cheese cake). Out of impulse I bought it hoping that some day (yeahhhhh another forever) I'll collect enough guts to attempt it when I saw steamed chocolate brownies recipe. And get this, it only uses cocoa powder and evaporated milk, and vegetable oil instead of real chocolate, full cream milk or butter! And nobody was able to guess the difference! :D Good news...low fat, same taste!

I was so hungry that as soon as it landed on the cooling rack, pull off the paper at the bottom and chuck it back into the warm tin, I ate the middle part off.

Looks like craters on Mars.

One thing for sure, this recipe is for keeps. And also, I am in dire need of a camera (been using sis').

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